Woodlands Primary School is working hard with Anti-bullying. We have already achieved the Bronze Charter Mark. In order to attain this mark we had to ensure the school did the following things:
*School has identified a member of staff as the Anti-Bullying Coordinator or offer supporting safeguarding.
*Members of the school community know who the Anti-Bullying Coordinator/Safeguarding officer is.
*School takes an active part in the National Anti-Bullying week.
*Relevant helplines and websites are displayed around school.
*Anti-bullying literature is available on request.
*School identifies areas and times where bullying is most likely to take place.
*School has an anti-bullying policy which has been written within the last two years.
*The schools anti-bullying policy is publicised each year and made available on request.
*The anti-bullying policy includes a clear complaints procedure for use if incidents have not been dealt with to the parents/carers satisfaction. *Parents/carers are made aware of the procedure.
*School has an agreed system for recording all incidents of bullying. LA SIMS or alternative programme is used.
*School provides opportunities for members of the school community to communicate concerns about feeling safe.
*School has established a peer support system.
*Key staff are aware of pupils at risk of being bullied.
*When dealing with bullying issues, the needs of all parties are recognised.
*School offers some opportunities for work on bullying issues through its PSHEE and/or SEAL lessons.
Pupils explore the feelings of those who are bullied and explore the reasons why people are likely to bully others.
Key members of staff have attended anti-bullying awareness training.
Key members of staff are aware of schools bullying trends.